Monday, October 27, 2008

Thank God Someone Heard ME..Casino Smoking Ban in Atlantic City Temp Lifted

I would never take more credit than I deserve. It's also very unlikely that many haven't even read my posts. That all being said the result is still the same and I'm mostly pleased.

In many recent posts I've gone against the grain of the predicted theme of this blog, that being Casino Resort Fun, and I've strongly editorialized on the harm the smoking ban at casinos in Atlantic City have caused. Well city council has decided to put a suspension on this ban at least for a year.

Casino analysts, as well as casino executives have seen a sharp decline in the performance of their properties that correlate almost 100% with the inception of the smoking ban. Opponents of the ban say that they've actually seen more customers come into the casinos b/c of the smoking ban. That is, saying that they have seen more come in because there isn't smoking allowed. Well I'm a bigger proponent of the proof is in the pudding. So for all those who say they "see' more people, it's flat out bullshit !!. Yes I said that here on this blog. Come on. Numbers by the NJ Transportation department even show less people coming to the city. What are these people saying.

I realize it's a sad thing to have to deal with certain inevitabilities but as I've state more and more, casinos have become a necessary evil. Yes, I did say "evil". Not in the sense of the devil or satan, but along with smoking, drinking and womanizing, gambling has a lot of sad consequences. All that being said, anyone in the state of New Jersey who says the casinos haven't helped out must have been living in a parallel universe.

My hope is that this suspension of the ban shows everyone that tightening the noose around the golden goose does no one any good at all.

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